PMAX Global

Patient Services Support Representative Jobs at PMAX Global

Patient Services Support Representative Jobs at PMAX Global

Sample Patient Services Support Representative Job Description

Patient Services Support Representative

Responsibilities of the role will include:
- Maintain and manage PSD systems to include FlexPay, Instamed, RevSpring, Asternic, MyCourtesyCaller, etc...
- Update account settings and run required reports
- Run and Manage EDI information from SequelMed, eCW, Allscripts, etc...
- Create and compile various reports pertaining to billing statements, IVR, Experian
- Pull data needed for PSD Dashboards and deliver as required to KPI
- Complete daily electronic file transfers, via web and sftp
- Summarize, create and maintain purchase order information logs
- Assist with implementation of new customers

- Must have a strong knowledge of Microsoft Excel to include v-lookups, formulas, pivot tables, etc...
- Aptitude to learn new programs/software quickly

Current Openings for Patient Services Support Representative Jobs at PMAX Global

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